Saturday, May 23, 2020

The General Steps for Job Relocation Free Essay Example, 2000 words

The walkthrough of both the origin and destination facilities are extremely important for the relocation. I need to be prepared to present the mover at the time of the walkthrough with the three (3) inventories that I prepared, along with a summary of place of stay, any loading or delivery restrictions, and my ideal time for the move. The best way to plan the relocation would be to give the responsibilities to a movie company. I would acquire a minimum of three (3) estimates and a maximum of five (5) estimates. I need all companies to provide a list of places to stay in Thailand. Since the price of the move is a major consideration, it is a good idea to work through each of the estimates that are provided and break out the major cost components before beginning my final evaluation and selecting a place to stay. Today being, 28/01/2014, I have six from this day. So ideally my day of final relocation would be approximately 1st of August, 2014. Count Down to Move Day Six Months Prior t o Move Day (Prepare a budget and choose the available options of stay) Obtain all the available options for places to stay. We will write a custom essay sample on The General Steps for Job Relocation or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Three months Prior to Move Day (01/04/2014) (Insurance policies) Select the level of additional insurance or valuation coverage that will be needed to protect the place of stay or apartment during the relocation. Make lists of all equipment that will need special servicing prior to or following the move. Order new checks in case I need them later. Notify any county, state or federal agencies of your anticipated move; let them know the address and the anticipated effective date. Six Weeks Prior to Move Day (15/05/2014) (Alerting the relatives discarding unwanted items).

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